The Telugu film Hide N Seek, featuring Viswant and Shilpa Manjunath, is set for its OTT debut. Originally released in theatres on September 20, 2024, the film has garnered attention for its gripping narrative. Three months after its theatrical run, the action-packed thriller is scheduled to stream on Aha Telugu from January 10, 2025. Written and directed by Basireddy Rana, the movie features music composed by Lijo K Jose and is produced under the Sahasra Entertainments banner.
When and Where to Watch Hide N Seek
Hide N Seek will be available for streaming on Aha Telugu starting January 10, 2025. This platform has consistently hosted a range of regional hits, making it a go-to for Telugu cinema fans.
Official Trailer and Plot of Hide N Seek
The official trailer of Hide N Seek teases a suspense-filled story centred on Shiva, a medical student aspiring to join the army. Played by Viswant, Shiva finds himself in a complex web of events when a puzzling murder disrupts his life. The incident, involving a delivery boy and a mysterious letter forms the crux of this crime thriller. Set in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, the movie intertwines love, ambition, and intrigue as Shiva's personal and professional aspirations collide.
Cast and Crew of Hide N Seek
Hide N Seek boasts a diverse ensemble cast, including Rhea Sachdeva, Sridhar Reddy, Tejaswi Madivada, Kasvi, and Sakshi Siva. Supporting performances are delivered by Sumanth, Raghavendra, Sainath Garimella, and others. The film's production was led by Narendra Buchireddygari, with cinematography by Chinna Ram and editing by Amar Reddy Kudumula. This team has worked collectively to bring the film's suspenseful and dynamic narrative to life.
The film's storyline is gripping and has caught the audience's attention. The film has an IMDb rating of 9.1 / 10