Itel has been teasing the upcoming launch of its A80 smartphone. The phone is confirmed to be a budget offering at under Rs. 10,000. Now, the company has teased the arrival of another smartphone. This is teased to be an entry-level handset targeted towards Gen-Z customers. The design and some features of the anticipated smartphone have been teased as well. The Itel phone will launch in the country in January. A report has also shared a few expected key specifications of the phone.
Itel Zeno 10 India Launch, Price, Availability
The Itel Zeno 10 will launch in India in January, according to a live Amazon microsite. The exact date of the launch will likely be announced in the next few days. The words "Amazon Specials" on the poster confirms that the phone will be available for purchase in the country exclusively via Amazon.
A promotional poster on the microsite hints at the pricing range for Itel Zeno 10 in India. The phone is teased with the tag of Rs. 5XXX. This suggests that the phone will start in the country at under Rs. 6,000. There could be higher RAM, storage variants of the phone that may be marked slightly higher.
Itel Zeno 10 Design, Features
The Itel Zeno 10 appears with a square rear camera module with rounded edges placed on the top left corner. It holds two camera sensors alongside an LED flash unit. The teaser images show the phone with a black rear panel with red and white patterns. However, this could just be a complimentary skin instead of the actual back panel.
The volume rocker and power button of the Itel Zeno 10 are placed on the right edge. The display appears with narrow bezels, a relatively thicker chin and a centred hole-punch slot to house the front camera sensor. The phone is teased to feature a collapsible Dynamic Island-like bar and several performance optimising tools.
A MySmartPrice report claims, citing industry sources, that the Itel Zeno 10 will come with "bold" and "stylish" packaging. The report adds that the handset will likely ship with Android 14 and pack a 5,000mAh battery.