The highly anticipated Star Wars: Skeleton Crew premiered exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar on December 2 with a special two-episode release. The series, spearheaded by Jon Watts, known for directing Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Christopher Ford, presents a fresh narrative in the Star Wars universe. Jude Law stars in this adventure, where a group of young characters embark on a journey through the galaxy, encountering mystery and danger along the way.
When and Where to Watch Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
The series debuted with its first two episodes available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar on December 2. The show will be accessible only on Disney+ Hotstar, making it a must-watch for subscribers of the platform.
Official Trailer and Plot of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
The trailer, available online, teases an engaging mix of adventure and suspense as a group of kids ventures beyond their familiar world into the galaxy's uncharted corners. Set in the Star Wars timeline following the fall of the Empire, the series promises to delve into themes of exploration and survival, with Jude Law portraying a key character guiding the young crew.
Cast and Crew of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
The series features Jude Law in a lead role, supported by an ensemble of young actors. Behind the scenes, Jon Watts and Christopher Ford helm the project as creators, bringing their storytelling expertise to the Star Wars franchise. Mick Giacchino, known for his work on The Penguin and The Muppets Mayhem, composed the series' music, continuing the franchise's tradition of iconic soundtracks.