A rugby tournament featuring university students was held at the Kai Tak Sports Park on Sunday, the first test event at the main stadium there. Around 10,000 spectators were expected inside the 50,000-strong venue, with free seating and multiple entry and exit allowed. A number of spectators were unaware of the rule that water bottles were not allowed inside the venue, and had to put them away for temporary storage. Security minister Chris Tang and Sports Commissioner George Choi were among the officials on hand to inspect the operations, and they found the arrangements generally smooth. Going forward, Tang said the authorities will host three more tests involving at least 65,000 people for the main stadium and other venues at the Sports Park. He said various scenarios will be simulated to get officials ready. The rugby tournament involved 17 teams, with the games lasting for the whole day. The Kai Tak main stadium will host the Rugby Sevens in late March.