Daily Poetry
A Human always want to have More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful is in Ups and Downs
A Human always want to have More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful
By: Easy Branches
- Feb 02 2019
- 38
A Human always want to have More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful is in Ups and Downs.
Life can be very satisfying to us but at the same time can also be unbearably complicated so we get an overwhelming impression of everything and there displeasure sympathize.
This can change our mood to a restless feeling by dubious thoughts wondering where asking we deserve to have this and why at this time.
However, there may also can be a positive response, and knowing that we are still not able to bring to this happened change and accept it as it is.
Since then looking for the best possible alternatives to devise a concrete conclusion that gives us joy and new again victorious courage.
If we know in ourselves that joyous moments get the most out of life should make us realize that something like that is regrettable, it does not appear to be worth to get disappointed.
Our state of mind that would end only of upside in the wrong direction in which we ourselves thus will hurt what is unwise.
The harder we look up at live events all the more complicated it will all be and does not prosper, but woe to us.
Think of it as a new experience, life lesson that will improve our way of thinking and life experiences with benefits to create solutions faster in the future.
They are actually opportunities to perfect our own personality to intangibility against problems so that we can protect ourselves and become stronger.
Let it not affect our positive imagination about life but am just grateful and try to find the balance between solutions and improvements.
With ups and downs will always be grateful to give life more impact and satisfaction so that we can embrace the happiness with a smile.
All the best for You with a Good Health,
author © Jan Jansen
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