Marvel has officially released the first trailer for its new animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Premiering on Disney+, the show takes place in a parallel timeline where Peter Parker is mentored by Norman Osborn, aka the alter-ego of Spider-Man's archenemy the Green Goblin. In the MCU, Peter Parker is mentored by Tony Stark.
The trailer gives fans a look at two new Spider-Man suits, one where the teenage superhero pulls together himself and one that is more sleek, featuring an elevated black-and-white color scheme. Straight away, the trailer gives fans a glimpse at the action-packed storyline, from busting up and livestreaming the baddies to tying up the menaces in society in his web. Parker can be heard saying to the camera, "Just consider it a good deed from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. That’s me, by the way. I am Spider-Man." The series sees Hudson Thames voice the titular web-slinger alongside Kari Wahlgren as Aunt May and Hugh Dancy as Doctor Octopus. Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio reprise their roles from Netflix's Daredevil and Paul F. Tompkins joins the cast as the villain The Wizard.
The Spider-Man films have been a top earner for Marvel since Tom Holland's involvement. The web-slinger joined the MCU when the franchise was first helmed by Sam Raimi at Sony Pictures. This animate take on Spider-Man is led by Brad Winderbaum, Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt and Jeff Trammell as executive producers. Trammell is also the head writer and Mel Zwyer the supervising director.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man premieres on January 29, 2025.