The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution

There are a lot of brain teasers that you must solve in The Rise of the Golden Idol. One of these takes place in an aviary where several birds decided "fight" instead of "flight." This has led to members of the grounds crew getting attacked and killed. Here's our guide on how to solve the Feathered Frenzy puzzle in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

The Rise of the Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy birds puzzle solution

The Rise of the Golden Idol Feathered Frenzy birds puzzle is one of the most memorable moments in the campaign. Taking place in Chapter 4, the solution to this scenario itself might seem simple enough. However, due to the clues that we had to gather, we actually ended up taking several screenshots, before cropping and combining them.

Morag Aviary's Guide to Birds

The Feathered Frenzy puzzle in The Rise of the Golden Idol has most of its clues written on a handbook called Morag Aviary's Guide to Birds. There's just one problem: All the pages have been torn to shreds.

To correctly decipher the contents of the handbook, we cropped and combined these pages, as you can see in the image above. This gave us the following clues regarding the species in the enclosure:

Bleary-Eyed Flower-Piercer - Reacts aggressively to bright colors; avoid bringing anything neon.Red-Breasted Heron - Has bright plumage and extremely sharp teeth.Masked Grouse - Bug-eyed and yellow-footed; extremely territorial; hides its eggs in bushes.Deathrattle Lory - Has colored feathers; mimics sounds; silence is advised as speaking causes these birds to scream.Nythalic's Herald - Terrifying creature; loud noises will provoke them.

Character and bird names

From top-left to bottom-right, you should assign these names:

The Masked GrouseThe Red-Breasted HeronThe Bleary-Eyed Flower-PiercerThe Deathrattle LoryNythalic's HeraldDeclan AstorCrystal MooreMarcie Palmer

Triggers puzzle

Given the descriptions from the handbook, you should be able to solve this Feathered Frenzy puzzle in The Rise of the Golden Idol:

First: Deathrattle Lory - Declan Astor (the dead fella).Second: Nythalic's Herald - Deathrattle Lory (the green bird).Third: Bleary-Eyed Flower-Piercer - Neon wristband.Fourth: Masked Grouse - Cracked eggs in the nest.

Events summary

Finally, it's time to find out what really happened in this scenario:

At the aviary, [Marcie] [Palmer] [cried] when she discovered that a [hatchling] had [overheated] in the incubation station.Meanwhile, [Declan] [Astor] entered the aviary, where his [bracelet] was [stolen] by [The Bleary-Eyed] [Flower-Piercer]. Following this encounter, [Declan] [Astor] went to [feed] [The Masked] [Grouse], and [stepped] on the [eggs] hidden in the [bush].In retaliation, [The Masked] [Grouse] [attacked] [Declan] [Astor], [killing] him. His last [screams] were [mimicked] by [The Deathrattle] [Lory], which [agitated] [Nythalic's] [Herald], which then [attacked] [Crystal] [Moore].

That does it for our guide on how to solve the Feathered Frenzy birds puzzle in The Rise of the Golden Idol. A bit later in the campaign, you'll have to gather a bunch of clues just to finish the Final Clash puzzle.

The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution

The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution

The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution

The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution
The Rise Of The Golden Idol - Feathered Frenzy Birds Puzzle Solution
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