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Italian boatbuilder Otam says the first GTS version of the new Otam 90 model has “exceeded all expectations” following its launch and initial sea trials in May.

The new 28-metre vessel, pithily named Sexy Me, is now set to make its world debut at the upcoming Cannes Yachting Festival 2024, which takes place on the French Riviera from 10 to 15 September.

“Celebrating our 70th anniversary with the delivery of the new Otam 90 GTS Sexy Me fills us with great pride,” says Matteo Belardinelli, Otam’s sales and communication manager.

“Exceeding contractual expectations regarding engineering, performance, and comfort is not a coincidence but a testament to our deep commitment and respect for our brand.”

The Otam 90 GTS Sexy Me achieves a top speed of 45 knots, surpassing its contracted 42 knots, thanks to its pair of 2,600-horsepower MTU engines, Arneson surface propellers, and a hull designed by Umberto Tagliavini and Aldo Scorzoni of Marine Design & Services.

Bringing Sexy back

Bringing Sexy back

Bringing Sexy back

Bringing Sexy back
Bringing Sexy back
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