Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]

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Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]

Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]

Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]

Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]
Boycotts hammer McDonald's and Starbucks In Indonesia and Malaysia. In related news, average life expectance in Indonesia and Malaysia set to rise sharply [Interesting]
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